Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Song : A Passing Muse


Thank you to everyone supporting the Traveling Adventures of a Resilient Entertainer!

"A Passing Muse" is a poem I turned into a song.

Altayon is a Progressive Theater Metal Band. Truth is, my fans brought music back into my life. This is for our fans, our friends, OUR FAMILY. Without you Altayon would be nothing. I am forever grateful to those who have pushed us to keep going.

IMAGE CREDIT "Foretold" by Sophia Sharp / Illustration by Laura Sava
BUY & SUPPORT HER WORK : http://anotherwanderer.deviantart.com/art/Foretold-438191864

Please support my traveling adventures on a resilient entertainer by donating to my Patreon:
You will get things in return! Maybe even my little brother.

Live Radio Show every Monday from 1pm till 3pm on BBox Radio... listen live through www.MakeARightLeftHere.com

Every Tuesday a new Youtube Video will be available right here!

The song is "A Passing Muse". Download for free (https://soundcloud.com/thomasjbellezza/a-passing-muse)

SWAG like no other (http://www.redbubble.com/people/thomasjbellezza)

Social Media Links


Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Please help support the Adventures by donating $1 PATREON

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Posting This On Your Social Media Does Wonders...

Tip of the week : What to post on social media 

The entertainment business can turn people into celebrities, stars, world known, and that is all great. But, when it comes to social media what, when, and where should we post? Why is that a question in this train of thought? Well when you are starting out and not aware of your current or future brand potential then posting that photo of your little nephew is a lot of fun showing the world his face. Rather, the few friends and family you have on your Facebook page. But as your brand value and celebrity grows you must be aware of what is posted. 

What should you post? Stick to the adventure and limit anything personal on social media. The adventure is not just asking people to come to a show, support a product, or asking people to donate. The adventure is starting a concept out and following it to, through, and way after its fruition. Letting an audience watch the process as best can be presented. 

When posting keep it to a minimum of at least three times a day. When you eat, you should post. That breakfast, lunch, and dinner mentality is also best utilized for gauging an audience. There are apps which tell when and where people are interacting the most, but the three meals a day plan is a great starting point. Since people, on average, will check their social media when on break. 

Where is the best place to post on social media? What fits the brand message overall. Personally I believe every social media page available should be utilized in some form or another. In the beginning you want to start off small so you can control the growth. Take on the main ones; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and also have a blog on Wordpress going, and a Youtube channel for vlogs. 

To sum up, keep the social media activity on the brand message's adventure to keep people in on the loop of what is going on. Three times posting is a good start and as more is going on post more but always keep every post anywhere from 30 to 120 minutes apart from each other. And finally, focus on the main social sites and add a new social site every year or so.  

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Please help support the Adventures by donating $1 PATREON

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

A Passing Muse Not In Vain

A Passing Muse Not In Vain

If I knew I were never to see you again
I'd have carved your image into my eyes.
If today were the last I'd be beside you
I would have stayed awake until I died.

If I could never know love again
I'd close my mouth till I can mend.
What more could I hold to cover
Never to slip the lie of loving another.

For if I could never hold you closer
Of the time you cried upon my shoulder.
Held each tear in a palm of forever
Clouds rain down my dreary weather.

While my soul, if it would know joy
I'd bathe over in your peaceful ploy.
Our hearts were made to feel this pain
For we could have never known growth again.
I rather be ruined in sorrow eternally
Than never have known your face plentifully.

In a chance of giving everything
I felt in the empty pit of my truth.
I would make art of our lives
If she'd only let me give her proof.


Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Please help support the Adventures by donating $1 PATREON

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Mentor's Corner

Being aware of your ability, those around you, and learning from others will help you explore more opportunities in life to a successful rate.


Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Please help support the Adventures by donating $1 PATREON

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

When being a performer makes you a living...

Tip of the week : Switch from an artist to a business 

What we do, is not our job. What we do is the reward for doing our job correctly. Working at a doughnut shop making doughnuts is not how we get hired. Being a great actor, or comedian, is not why we get paid. Any one can act all day and never get paid. So how does one make a living doing what they love? Shouldn't you get paid for what you do? Change the brain's way of thinking. 

Ever watch one of many movies or a song on the radio that are terrible. Ever say to yourself... 

How did this get on the radio?
How did they get in this movie?
My comedy special would be better than this crap!

The difference between that “crappy” performance and a person's lack of career comes down to an artist brain vs a business brain. They may be crappy but they are doing their job correctly. They are running their business outside of their artistic brain. What you do is the art, and you should do the art. When you are ready to make a living getting paid for what you do, then run your business. 

An artist believes and focuses first on their craft. Hoping people of note will catch their master performance. Steve Martin says “Be so good they can't ignore you.” This is a hopeful statement covering up what is really going on. Steve Martin's success didn't come from being great. And he is great, but he wasn't always amazingly funny. 

His well written book “Born Standing Up” is a must read for performers. But, read between the lines. Every moment of his success came, unintentionally, from his business brain. In the book, he focuses on his battle of getting better. His multiple friendly relationships all lead to opportunities. He stated his friend paid Steve as a writer from his own pocket cause the show didn't think Steve Martin was good. 

Success is found by working hard at your business. There are relationships involved in first impressions, third party introductions, or outright friendships. That doughnut job comes from building a relationship within moments in an interview or having been introduced by a friend. 

These are a few concepts to keep in mind to utilize and understand the value of a business brain. 

• Networking is building and cultivating relationships. Be nice to everyone, you never know who someone is or knows. The future of your career is rooted in who you know. Keeping those relationships growing without ever asking for things. Build and cultivate that friendship. 

• Marketing is having a brand to help build awareness, which creates interest, and ultimately generates sales. Sales is an audience buying into the brand. Refrain from pushing a brand in people's faces and focus marketing your adventure to allow people a chance to willingly jump on board! 

• Practicing your craft is one thing and you should practice. Cause you should still be able to play ball when you get on the field. Being good, great, and even capable helps success. In addition, learn to practice the business brain skills. This list you are reading needs to be practiced. 

• Manage time, money, and people is the start of controlling longevity. Success comes from networking, marketing, and practicing, but it is budging your time and money while being able to delegate your in needs to people which opens your chances of longevity up. 

• Entrepreneur brain is all about taking calculated chances, giving back to your community, thinking of solutions, and being an idea person. Growing from nothing to something by embracing the value of running your life as a business. P.S. Go incorporate yourself as quick as possible. 

• Talent is needed for longevity. As practice allows for success to happen, one must maintain growth on their talents. The talents of their skill and the talents of understanding the needs of running their life as a business. You can only be kind of alright at what you do before fifteen minutes of fame are up.

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

POEM : An affair Of Romantic Liberty

An affair Of Romantic Liberty

Under the stars, light, white, and whispering down...
My eyes gaining the right, to gaze upon your body, pure and sound...
I would walk my hands across your skin like fine wind atop a river’s bend...

Paused upon the night, stilled in motion of our presence's sight...
Released in pleasure embraced, entwined in a wordless race...
Covered by dark stares, always, I told your lips with ever care...
Hand in hand within mine, closed in promises of a hold's chime...

Covered in open allure, our warm bodies dressed in soothing galore...
Nothing between us but the roar of nature and its animalistic call...
Arms and legs spread in waiting form, begging for the pain to be sore...

Here we would be conformed to peaceful liberation over rapture’s gorgeous draw.


Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Motivation To Inspire For

Motivation To Inspire For

Motivation is a huge source of inspiration in my life. Let me explain. Since leaving the music business full time I have dedicated myself to educating others. That education is focused on the business point of view to do what it is they passionately wish to do. Deep within this effort I am hoping that their learning leads to inspire them in taking life seriously. To take a calculated risk into the unknown of being an entertainer, or finally opening up that donut shop, to embrace their passion as a career. One must be happy doing what they earn a living with. 

Pay it forward is a way of life for me. To see others do it makes my heart glow. It has always been an understanding to me that when you work hard alone the walls grow. The tasks become grander and overwhelming. Even the most successful people in the world worked with others. Either to be advised by much smarter people, or to help physically bring to life an idea. One person alone cannot make an idea happen. Steve Jobs is a prime example of that. He had a whole company and that company's idea was built by a computer genius... not the marketing genius of Steve Jobs. The team brought it to life. 

What am I trying to say? I am saying A) in life I am inspired by others success and that motivates me to help when and where I can. As a consultant I am always excited to work with people to bring their dreams to fruition. B) Work with people, not against them. Get together and help one another. Some of us have crossing ideas which emulate the same potential. Not everything has to be a competition. So lend a hand when you can. Bring ideas to life, together. And when success comes your way because of teamwork, effort, and utilizing a very specifically crafted business plan, pay it forward! 

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!