Showing posts with label make a right left here. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make a right left here. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Song : A Passing Muse

Thank you to everyone supporting the Traveling Adventures of a Resilient Entertainer!

"A Passing Muse" is a poem I turned into a song.

Altayon is a Progressive Theater Metal Band. Truth is, my fans brought music back into my life. This is for our fans, our friends, OUR FAMILY. Without you Altayon would be nothing. I am forever grateful to those who have pushed us to keep going.

IMAGE CREDIT "Foretold" by Sophia Sharp / Illustration by Laura Sava

Please support my traveling adventures on a resilient entertainer by donating to my Patreon:
You will get things in return! Maybe even my little brother.

Live Radio Show every Monday from 1pm till 3pm on BBox Radio... listen live through

Every Tuesday a new Youtube Video will be available right here!

The song is "A Passing Muse". Download for free (

SWAG like no other (

Social Media Links!/ThomasJBellezza


Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Please help support the Adventures by donating $1 PATREON

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Posting This On Your Social Media Does Wonders...

Tip of the week : What to post on social media 

The entertainment business can turn people into celebrities, stars, world known, and that is all great. But, when it comes to social media what, when, and where should we post? Why is that a question in this train of thought? Well when you are starting out and not aware of your current or future brand potential then posting that photo of your little nephew is a lot of fun showing the world his face. Rather, the few friends and family you have on your Facebook page. But as your brand value and celebrity grows you must be aware of what is posted. 

What should you post? Stick to the adventure and limit anything personal on social media. The adventure is not just asking people to come to a show, support a product, or asking people to donate. The adventure is starting a concept out and following it to, through, and way after its fruition. Letting an audience watch the process as best can be presented. 

When posting keep it to a minimum of at least three times a day. When you eat, you should post. That breakfast, lunch, and dinner mentality is also best utilized for gauging an audience. There are apps which tell when and where people are interacting the most, but the three meals a day plan is a great starting point. Since people, on average, will check their social media when on break. 

Where is the best place to post on social media? What fits the brand message overall. Personally I believe every social media page available should be utilized in some form or another. In the beginning you want to start off small so you can control the growth. Take on the main ones; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and also have a blog on Wordpress going, and a Youtube channel for vlogs. 

To sum up, keep the social media activity on the brand message's adventure to keep people in on the loop of what is going on. Three times posting is a good start and as more is going on post more but always keep every post anywhere from 30 to 120 minutes apart from each other. And finally, focus on the main social sites and add a new social site every year or so.  

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Please help support the Adventures by donating $1 PATREON

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

A Passing Muse Not In Vain

A Passing Muse Not In Vain

If I knew I were never to see you again
I'd have carved your image into my eyes.
If today were the last I'd be beside you
I would have stayed awake until I died.

If I could never know love again
I'd close my mouth till I can mend.
What more could I hold to cover
Never to slip the lie of loving another.

For if I could never hold you closer
Of the time you cried upon my shoulder.
Held each tear in a palm of forever
Clouds rain down my dreary weather.

While my soul, if it would know joy
I'd bathe over in your peaceful ploy.
Our hearts were made to feel this pain
For we could have never known growth again.
I rather be ruined in sorrow eternally
Than never have known your face plentifully.

In a chance of giving everything
I felt in the empty pit of my truth.
I would make art of our lives
If she'd only let me give her proof.


Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Please help support the Adventures by donating $1 PATREON

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Mentor's Corner

Being aware of your ability, those around you, and learning from others will help you explore more opportunities in life to a successful rate.


Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Please help support the Adventures by donating $1 PATREON

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

When being a performer makes you a living...

Tip of the week : Switch from an artist to a business 

What we do, is not our job. What we do is the reward for doing our job correctly. Working at a doughnut shop making doughnuts is not how we get hired. Being a great actor, or comedian, is not why we get paid. Any one can act all day and never get paid. So how does one make a living doing what they love? Shouldn't you get paid for what you do? Change the brain's way of thinking. 

Ever watch one of many movies or a song on the radio that are terrible. Ever say to yourself... 

How did this get on the radio?
How did they get in this movie?
My comedy special would be better than this crap!

The difference between that “crappy” performance and a person's lack of career comes down to an artist brain vs a business brain. They may be crappy but they are doing their job correctly. They are running their business outside of their artistic brain. What you do is the art, and you should do the art. When you are ready to make a living getting paid for what you do, then run your business. 

An artist believes and focuses first on their craft. Hoping people of note will catch their master performance. Steve Martin says “Be so good they can't ignore you.” This is a hopeful statement covering up what is really going on. Steve Martin's success didn't come from being great. And he is great, but he wasn't always amazingly funny. 

His well written book “Born Standing Up” is a must read for performers. But, read between the lines. Every moment of his success came, unintentionally, from his business brain. In the book, he focuses on his battle of getting better. His multiple friendly relationships all lead to opportunities. He stated his friend paid Steve as a writer from his own pocket cause the show didn't think Steve Martin was good. 

Success is found by working hard at your business. There are relationships involved in first impressions, third party introductions, or outright friendships. That doughnut job comes from building a relationship within moments in an interview or having been introduced by a friend. 

These are a few concepts to keep in mind to utilize and understand the value of a business brain. 

• Networking is building and cultivating relationships. Be nice to everyone, you never know who someone is or knows. The future of your career is rooted in who you know. Keeping those relationships growing without ever asking for things. Build and cultivate that friendship. 

• Marketing is having a brand to help build awareness, which creates interest, and ultimately generates sales. Sales is an audience buying into the brand. Refrain from pushing a brand in people's faces and focus marketing your adventure to allow people a chance to willingly jump on board! 

• Practicing your craft is one thing and you should practice. Cause you should still be able to play ball when you get on the field. Being good, great, and even capable helps success. In addition, learn to practice the business brain skills. This list you are reading needs to be practiced. 

• Manage time, money, and people is the start of controlling longevity. Success comes from networking, marketing, and practicing, but it is budging your time and money while being able to delegate your in needs to people which opens your chances of longevity up. 

• Entrepreneur brain is all about taking calculated chances, giving back to your community, thinking of solutions, and being an idea person. Growing from nothing to something by embracing the value of running your life as a business. P.S. Go incorporate yourself as quick as possible. 

• Talent is needed for longevity. As practice allows for success to happen, one must maintain growth on their talents. The talents of their skill and the talents of understanding the needs of running their life as a business. You can only be kind of alright at what you do before fifteen minutes of fame are up.

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

POEM : An affair Of Romantic Liberty

An affair Of Romantic Liberty

Under the stars, light, white, and whispering down...
My eyes gaining the right, to gaze upon your body, pure and sound...
I would walk my hands across your skin like fine wind atop a river’s bend...

Paused upon the night, stilled in motion of our presence's sight...
Released in pleasure embraced, entwined in a wordless race...
Covered by dark stares, always, I told your lips with ever care...
Hand in hand within mine, closed in promises of a hold's chime...

Covered in open allure, our warm bodies dressed in soothing galore...
Nothing between us but the roar of nature and its animalistic call...
Arms and legs spread in waiting form, begging for the pain to be sore...

Here we would be conformed to peaceful liberation over rapture’s gorgeous draw.


Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Motivation To Inspire For

Motivation To Inspire For

Motivation is a huge source of inspiration in my life. Let me explain. Since leaving the music business full time I have dedicated myself to educating others. That education is focused on the business point of view to do what it is they passionately wish to do. Deep within this effort I am hoping that their learning leads to inspire them in taking life seriously. To take a calculated risk into the unknown of being an entertainer, or finally opening up that donut shop, to embrace their passion as a career. One must be happy doing what they earn a living with. 

Pay it forward is a way of life for me. To see others do it makes my heart glow. It has always been an understanding to me that when you work hard alone the walls grow. The tasks become grander and overwhelming. Even the most successful people in the world worked with others. Either to be advised by much smarter people, or to help physically bring to life an idea. One person alone cannot make an idea happen. Steve Jobs is a prime example of that. He had a whole company and that company's idea was built by a computer genius... not the marketing genius of Steve Jobs. The team brought it to life. 

What am I trying to say? I am saying A) in life I am inspired by others success and that motivates me to help when and where I can. As a consultant I am always excited to work with people to bring their dreams to fruition. B) Work with people, not against them. Get together and help one another. Some of us have crossing ideas which emulate the same potential. Not everything has to be a competition. So lend a hand when you can. Bring ideas to life, together. And when success comes your way because of teamwork, effort, and utilizing a very specifically crafted business plan, pay it forward! 

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Success came easily for these people

Tip of the week : 10 Helpful Tips To Succeed 

Henry Ford was know for his assembly line idea for a person who failed a lot. Bill Gates created Microsoft as a college drop out. Walt Disney was one of the biggest risk takers who was poor, fired, and people thought he lacked imagination for having any good ideas before he became successful. These three and others have something all in common, the are people with a specific mindset utilizing certain skills and tools which is why success came easily for these people.

Here are 10 helpful tips to succeed in your life...

1) Don't rely on others : As a business owner it is your job to act. When you first meet a person it is your job to follow up not theirs. Waiting on anyone to act is the same as you doing nothing. 

2) Get ride of distractions : Rent a small office to block out your everyday distractions. Actually go to work and turn off social media. Focus on S.M.A.R.T. Goals written out into a “To Do List”. 

3) Plan : Have a business plan to organize your ideas, look and adjust it quarterly. Where are starting from, plan to go and the situation you are currently in. Use it as a map and a path all in one. 

4) Do work you care about : Steve Jobs was quoted at saying “The only way to be satisfied in your life is to do work that you truly believe in.” choose wisely, if you make it your life, you will be doing it a lot. 

5) Take calculated risks : Why give 40 hours to a career you hate when you could give a life time to making the dream career happen? Time into a career will pay if you utilize a plan and take risks. 

6) Find good people : “The fastest way to change yourself is to hang out with people who are already the way you want to be.” ~ Reid Hoffman. Be around others doing what you do at the level you want to do it at. 

7) Build a great team : Hire character. Those you can learn from. If you are the smartest person in the room you are in the wrong room. Add value to yourself by the people around you. 

8) Take action : Have a plan and GO DO IT! Sitting and waiting for the right time will never come. Begin with small steps and goals while saving a foundation to support a 12 to 18 month overhead. Once you have your foundation you can now open your proverbial career door and focus your efforts. 

9) Budget : Have a budget and spend within those caps. Knowing a personal overhead and a what it takes to run your career each month is a smart start to any venture in life. Spend wisely before spending at all. 

10) Understand your industry : Truly understanding your industry is key to having success. Who is the best player in any game you have ever played? The one who understands how to play it or the person starting out? Know the tricks of the trade and how your industry works so you can play the game.

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions. 

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing. 

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded. 

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

2017... GO!

2017... GO! 

It is officially 2017! Many insane things are going on and have happened from 2016 to now. The mother daughter combo Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, along with a 100 other celebrities, and well over 55 million people died in 2016 year. Lucky for us there are about 131 births a year too. Oh, I almost died in 2016 from kidney cancer, so that was pretty cool... Not. But I lived, or did I? I think I did. Still got them doctors trying to clean up whatever is going on in me. 

BUT... Donald John Drumpf will be the American President this year. John is a toilet bowl where we poop. So he is Donald the Duck Toilet Bowl Drumpf! 

Okay moving on. I am going to set some goals and allow you lovely people to follow along. To see if A) I accomplish said goals by the years end and B) maybe you can utilize said goals to help yourself accomplish what it is you are searching to do! Write out 2, 3, maybe even 4 goals and follow along in life! Here goes, let's do this together! 

Basic S.M.A.R.T. Goals we can all do for ourselves

• Grow my networking circle of influence by 25%, including friends and associates. I would like to be more involved with people's lives and projects and increase those around me with value in life that fits alone with my own personal beliefs and ideologies on how we should all work together. 

• Increase my organized finances into my 3 Needs of Purpose by 20% to help my security protect me more, give me investing capital and of course some leisure this year! Maybe leading to a vacation next year. 

• Better my health in any way to make what I am going through physically less painful. Work on me time over others time. Give myself the mornings and sit away from the work desk a little more. 

Now goals that are a little more centered around my needs

• Get the TV project “The Circle” picked up and into pre-production. I would like to accomplish this by the end of my second quarter. Taking this idea to the next step utilizing relationships which have been worked on for the last six months. 

• Open up a new office in Manhattan and have all the overhead, line of credit, and equipment in place to be in the door by mid year. To make BBR Productions, Team Rise Together, and oh DEER! Productions come together in a lovely harmonious working environment. 

• Finish my “how to” book, and self publish it. I've been working on this book and a poetry book for two years now. Time to focus effort onto finishing it. 

• Get ready to have the musical acoustic fundraiser show ready for July to celebrate one year not having kidney cancer anymore. 

I am going to read back at these goals and compare how far along I am each quarter of the year. Now I have a larger scale S.M.A.R.T. Goal list implanted into my business plan. Since all life is a business if you align your perspective to be aware of that. I look at my goals each quarter and arrange or change them as needed. Now, let us think of these less like resolutions and more like a plan!

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician from Long Island playing with TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza moved onto Acting / Stand-Up Comedy / Producing, and Raising Capital. By utilizing his two companies, BBR Productions Inc and oh DEER! Productions, he helps consult, market, and produce ideas, entertainers, and businesses into reality. From 2005 till now, multiple performance tours were produced, live shows to raise money for both Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer research. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. One of the founding members of a group of talented individuals known as Team Rise Together, my we work together, grow together, and rise together!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

How These 3 Things Will Change Your New Year

Tip of the week : Start Your New Year Off Right

January first is filled with resolutions. By the second week of February that 33-50% increase in gym memberships drops 80% of the New Years Resolutions crowd. What is the purpose of a New Years Resolution if it won't last longer than two months? Well, these 3 things are essential to changing your New Year and starting off right.

Below are a few helpful tips to get auditions on your own.

Budget : Know your budget. Figure out what your monthly overhead is (cost of living). From there reduce certain expenses to a reasonable amount. Living on a budget with strict caps will help to take control back over in money management. Having a grasp over all income and expenses is directly related to feeling better, less stressed, and helps exponentially with fueling ones career choices.

Follow Up : This year follow up with people you know or have met. A follow up entails reaching out through any form of communication to establish your relationship with them. A great way to say hi is during holidays, anniversaries, celebrations, even after you have a meet up with them. A follow up will be the deciding factor in building and cultivating a relationship. Relationships lead to opportunities.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals Over Many Big Dream Goals : A SMART Goal is a very specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely goal over setting Big Dream Goals. Pick 3 important Big goals you want to accomplish this year and place them at the top of a page. Make 3 columns and right below it specific SMART Goals you will have to do to obtain your Big Dream Goal! A plan will get you there.

Each of these tools help in a very direct way. Budgeting is to bring management to your finances easing stress levels and helping fuel purpose. Follow Ups are designed to keep people of note in your life. The more involved they are the bigger opportunities you will fine. S.M.A.R.T. Goals plan out the path which lay ahead of you. 

Remind yourself, when it seems overwhelming, that in life it is about starting a task over completing a task. Tasks will be completed over time. Work smarter by doing a little of a lot each day. Make sure to schedule out your day into 4 to 8 hour days and stick to 30 or 60 minute blocks of action for each task at hand. And if all else evades you, 1 thing a day is 365 things a year. That is a lot. 

Go make this year your year! 

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician from Long Island playing with 'TENEbRAE' for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza moved onto Acting / Stand-Up Comedy / Producing, and Raising Capital. By utilizing his two companies, 'BBR Productions Inc' and 'oh DEER! Productions', he helps consult, market, and produce ideas, entertainers, and businesses into reality. From 2005 till now, multiple performance tours were produced, live shows to raise money for both Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer research. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. One of the founding members of a group of talented individuals known as 'Team Rise Together', they work together, grow together, and rise together!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

5 Secrets Agents Don't Tell You About Auditions

Tip of the week : Getting an audition without an Agent

Actors rely on auditioning to help grow their career. How can an actor get more auditions to increase their chances of booking work without an agent? An agent does help send an actor out for auditions from time to time. Fear not, there are ways to procure auditions without the assistance of an agent.

Below are a few helpful tips to get auditions on your own.

Build opportunities : Get together with friends to create self made work. A small team could make Short Films, Web Series, even Sketches and get it on film. Nowadays you can film a high quality project on a cell phone. Building relationship with people for better equipment and locations.

Reach out to Local Filmmakers : Leapfrogging off the above idea, get a bit more aggressive and contact local student filmmakers or student theater directors. Students are always searching for actors to help them get a good grade and even to see their film win local awards.

People responsible for it all : Take a little time and research people you would be delighted to work with. Get their information on a site like IMDb Pro. Once their address is obtained send them a personalized letter / post card or even a sincere email. This is what an agent does for you. Go direct!

Be selflessly generous : Even if you have no work coming in for you and something comes up, recommend talented colleagues and friends for the work. Extending a hand will lead to generosity in return. More importantly, that generosity will spread through the field into the ears of people of note.

3 Quick notes : Contact your local film office to see what is filming or in development. Get a heads up on the business end! Utilize your social media and scan what is going on and what others are doing. First and foremost look inward at your own contacts. Build and cultivate those relationships.

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician from Long Island playing with 'TENEbRAE' for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza moved onto Acting / Stand-Up Comedy / Producing / Raising Capital. Creating 'BBR Productions Inc' and 'oh DEER! Productions' in 2003 to help consult, market, and produce ideas into reality. From 2005 till now, multiple performance tours were produced, live shows to raise money for both Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer research. Having owned fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. Currently he is associated with a mass media project with a group of talented individuals known as 'Team Rise Together'.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Music, brings us together

• Music, brings us together

Been in a music kick since getting back to things in life. Cancer really kicked my butt. A part of the healing process for me is having a creative outlet to drive my motivation into overdrive. Music comes easy to me. Even if others think it's not top quality, the process of writing and playing is within me. It soothes and calms my soul. Since getting my operation my goal is to keep writing and cleaning up music to play it live, even if for one last time. We will be helping to raise money and awareness toward fighting cancer and giving to a foundation to help others as I was helped.

I am deeply grateful for all the people in my life helping me accomplish things while I get my sea legs back in action. Getting my production company going, writing a TV show and pitching it with six studios interested, and even a bunch of musicians I appreciate coming along and learning music for this show. Friendship is more than a conversation to me it is a connection of possibilities in life. Moving and speaking without words to find a greater good in life. I have some of the best friends in the world. And without them, their love, and support, I would not be sitting here today.

The goal is to have one hour and thirty minutes ready for July. Sixteen songs compiled of old songs from my TENEbRAE days being cleaned up, songs written specifically for my Altayon project and of course I am trying very hard to have one new song completed by then. Everything is coming along as I have nine of the sixteen songs transcribed and sent to my buddies to learn. There is nothing more beautiful than coming together for both a cause and joy of playing together. This is going to be one amazing year 2017 and I am already excited to be alive again since July 18th, 2016. Be alive!

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Tip of the week : 3 Dangers of relying on a safety net

3 Dangers of relying on a safety net

Taking a chance is a risk filled with endless anxieties or riveting sensations of adrenaline coursing through a person's veins. Jumping out of a plane into a hopeful career of choice is deathly scarier. There are people who want that one big break to get around taking a chance. They want to hold on to a safety net before leaping to a great possible fall.

People becoming extremely successful in any given career is at a rate of about 5%. I personally don't believe this. I believe that you can make success happen if you are actively proactive in making your company grow! With a little effort each day, a plan, and turning your inactive hours into active hours toward your ultimate goal, it is with that your chance taking will become calculated!

Here are 3 Dangers of Relying of a safety net.

1) Relying on a safety net will make it so you never truly leave the plane. How can you jump wholeheartedly while holding on to what could be: like waiting for that one in a million chance opportunity to come through. Fearing the failure of chance taking is a part of learning. Our muscles grow by tearing them and working harder at it. Fear lifting too much weight and you will get nowhere.

2) Not having a plan. A plan is the bases of getting ahead of the game. It doesn't have to be a fully complete plan. Just one that has your brain thinking and covers these following areas; How you will Network to build your relationship and inner circle. What Marketing strategy will you put into place for your Brand. Set up a list of SMART Goals, Long Goals, and map out your schedule. AND, budget.

3) Waiting for other people to help, accomplish, assist, or in general be involved to get their tasks completed. Holding onto the efforts of others and waiting for them to come through is a frail way of trying to not take blame. When others don't complete given tasks it is still up to you to come through. If you want to be successful, you have to be responsible for the outcome, not others.

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Things I've learned while learning

• Things I've learned while learning

If I am to be tired of anything it is what I am learning while I am learning. A sad feeling comes over me as I embrace my powers of observational exercises. People can be unaware, unsure, and unkind if you let them. There are good people out there too. I've seen it from time to time. What I never understood is the meanness and hate. But that is not why I am writing this today. I want to explore what I learn from it.

What I do in life starts and ends with actions that make me happy. I want to see a better world so I do better, or as best I can. I want people to help one another so I help and I inspire others to help. Peace is a hope I live with everyday. To see a land without borders. Each day I awake I try and peer into the hole of opportunity. Seeing if I can fill it up with even a grain of sand echoing into change. If my action can change a tear of water, or move a mountain over tens of thousands of years than it is worth it.

I want to know that life is worth it. Fighting Cancer is no joke. It is a life changer, but I am more than welcoming of being cured for good. There is a lot to experience in this life. Yes I feel grander when I am touching it and moving it. Some times the best part of life isn't getting that awesome car, but speaking with a person for days about stimulating possibilities! Happiness comes in many shapes... for me it develops while I learn when learning!

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Sunday, December 4, 2016

3 things to help your career in Entertainment

Tip of the week : 3 things to help your career in Entertainment

Been in the game too long with nothing really going on? Feel a mostly stagnant, or horizontal movement, to every effort? Things need to change up in life to make a difference. A career is considered nowhere if in 5+ years nothing is happening. Truth is, something is being done incorrectly or not at all. Talent is one part of many sides to success, longevity, and ultimately a person's purpose in life. These 3 things will help any career find a footing to step up their game.

1) Know the business you are in. An actor should know more than how to act. Acting is what they do, it is not their job. A job always entails specific ins and outs of getting, maintaining, and growing at any given career. Learn how the business works. A great starting point is to break up needed tasks for a specific career. Below is an example list to get the brain thinking.

Look at life and a career as a Triangle. There are three main sides, then the front and back.
3 Needs of Success : Network, Market, Practice.
3 Needs of Longevity : Management (Time, Money, and People), Entrepreneur Brain, Talent.
3 Needs of Purpose : Security, Growth, and Dream.
Front : 8 Assets to invest in.
Back : Treat your life like a business (Go incorporate yourself).

2) Change the brain, change the game. Regroup focus from thinking 'talent = work', or 'work = work'. Could it, yes? But the idea of a career and building longevity comes from being proactive. Focus effort in an entertainment career the same way a business owner does for their donut shop. Making donuts is what they do (Acting equivalent), but they budget, manage their company, and find solutions.

3) Work together, grow together, and rise together. Whatever game this is the more team players a person has the better chance they can win a game. The amount is important, as is the value. Look around your team and see where they are. If they are doing what you are doing, then change your circle. Or at least expand out into other circles too. Who you hang around benefits who you are.

If you are the smartest and most successful person in the room then you are in the wrong room.

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Thursday, December 1, 2016


• Poetry

Where does poetry come from? Is it an art form? Poetry of life is an answer to a questions I have been seeking since I could remember. How things flow, why they flow, who moves us the most? It comes from our passion when we least expect. Sitting before a blank page until words dance out into an every laying grave. That seemed a tad morose, so I digress, open your thoughts to moving effort.

I look at poetry as action. If on paper or through movement. We create poetry when we interact fluently with others. Helping people find ways to connect to their dreams, or even when a person simply is motivated by a little smile. We can paint the world together if we choose to move rhythmically upon it. Let music flow silently inside you through your desires, pounding in your heart.

Become a deafening advance on the world around you. When the world stops moving, and humans no longer exist, let our history be known in the memory of our spirits. Remain in life because your purpose was recognized. Add to the people of Earth, and touch the energy of chance. I am happy to become the poetry I seek in life and I wish for you to find yours.

Cave upon me your willingness
And I shall lift your worries away
Touch what I cannot see today
Inspiring my dreams of sun rays

Lifting emptiness in full reach
Our arms stronger if we preach
No war can come from friends
Life will praise peace hand in stand

Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Tip of the week : Marketing (Maintaining a Brand Message)

Marketing : Maintaining a Brand Message

A brand message is a gathering of three things; Voice, Image, and the Conversation of your audience. Maintaining this message is a process based on utilizing your list of a Voice and Image vs the Conversation of an audience. Write out a list of ideas that are believed to be things a Brand stands for. This list will be a guideline to watching what the audience is waiting to hear/see, and interact with. This list can change over the years, and is only a guideline. Over time a Brand will find its footing.

To maintain a brand message check the list and listen to an audience. Their reaction is vital to how any Brand should proceed. Another advantageous method is look at the with non bias eyes. This is a helpful way of seeing if the message is both clear and consistent. If things seem outside the original brand message it is time to start changing things up. The value of a Brand message affects the way an audience will perceive their emotional attachment to future brand ventures.

A consistently clear cut message to an audience will ensure longevity and growth. To add value to the rule of 10% keep the message going in a specific direction. This method will help the return be greater in the long run. Changing the message, or the familiarity of said message, to an audience can confuse or distort their perception and actually turn them away. Also, introducing a new message weakens the efforts of the rule of 10%.

Do you have what it takes to... Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?
Make A Right Left Here (My official page website)
BBR Productions Inc. (Direct company link)

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Tip of the week : Networking (Loyalty)

Tip of the week : Networking : Loyalty 

Loyalty is the foundation of relationship growth. The power of friendship is based on being there for those you care for. A working relationship begins with trust then gains loyalty. This is why people are loyal to a brand. Pepsi vs Coke, Nike vs Rebecca shoes, and of course Star Wars vs Star Trek. Now some times a person can like both things, and yes, people can have more than one best friend. The concept of Loyalty is to give respect where respect is due.

When a person(s) goes out of their way for you, or gives you their time without question, this is a great way to build a relationship. The give aspect of networking. Though, when the time comes and you could utilize their 'help' or 'serves' but then you go and pay someone who you have no relationship with... this is bad networking. It breaks the chains of Loyalty. Taking and taking from a person in a relationship then giving nothing back is an insult to the time you spent together.

Be very careful with Loyalty. Loyalty is the difference between someone always being there and someone you showed disrespect to whom won't be there for again. Networking is building and cultivating relationships. It is by far the most important aspect of success in this business of life. It helps us in our careers and with the people within in our three circles; Friends, Family, and Associates. Embrace the value of those worth your circle, but most of all respect the time Loyalty takes to be earn. 
Do you have what it takes to... Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?
Make A Right Left Here (My official page website)
BBR Productions Inc. (Direct company link)

Thursday, October 27, 2016

TIP OF THE WEEK - Networking : The Follow Up

Networking : The Follow Up

More essential than a first meeting is the follow up. A follow up is simply reaching out to a person(s) met recently to acknowledge it even happen. Commonly seen are 'Thank you for meeting me', 'Great meeting you the other night', and of course 'Met you last night, let's get lunch!'. It is a nice way of reminding a person how much fun that initial meeting went. Even when the meeting was at a networking event, or a friend introducing a friend. What is a Follow up really? Why is it important and when and how does a person handle a proper follow up? 

Traditionally a good follow up should be limited to no later than three days after meeting a person. Two days is safe, and one day is a perfectly timed follow up. Keeping it short and to the point is helpful too while adding an 'Emotional Moment' inside the follow up. Maybe a joke was said, or a nice story about XYZ happened, and adding a reminder of this helps recall the feelings everyone had within the conversation in the first place. And finally, but not last, keep from asking for things within a follow up unless prompt too. Such as the other person suggesting lunch at the first interaction.

After a follow up, maintaining that relationship begins with keeping in touch with them. Focus on a routine and naturally flowed schedule of keeping these people in the rotation of life. A follow up, and future contact, with a person can be done through any means of communication: Emails, Phone Call, Text, Social Media Message, etc. I like an email for my follow up, and slowly move up to a phone call over time. My personal favorite is sending out inspirational text messages randomly to my friends, family, and associates to let them know I am thinking of them. 

A network of people will be there at the beginning and the end of a person's journey with communication!

Do you have what it takes to... Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?
Make A Right Left Here (My official page website)
BBR Productions Inc. (Direct company link)

Sunday, October 16, 2016

TIP OF THE WEEK - Get a Manager or an Agent

Performer : Get a Manager or an Agent

The true secret to getting a manager or an agent is in the form of Networking, Marketing, and Practicing within the chosen field of interest. Building and cultivation those relationships is an establishing point to open doors for opportunity. Next, take a Brand to build awareness which creates interest and ultimately generates sales (or involvement). And finally practice the given skill/craft and the two aforementioned necessities to develop a naturally instinctive ability to be present of your effort at all time.

Often I will state how Networking, Marketing, and Practicing leads to success. There will always be a general fundamental in those three things. That feeling of enlightenment when the realization of a networking circle's value is revealed. Friends, family, and associates will lead to opportunity. When I first met my acting manager it was through a mutual friend who had already spoke grandly, and truthfully, about me. It was my Brand that allowed him to have something to speak about. Who I was, what I do, how well I do it, and my personality in general.

Once I was in the room it was knowing what my brand is. How it would benefit both parties to a mutual working relationship. Before I walked into that room they were already 30+ years into the business and did not need my help to make any more money. So the old 'Send me on auditions and I'll get booked' mentality was out the window. Instead, I explained how I was making a living doing it already. How my career (Brand) was growing and established. Managers/Agents want to take on an already growing and working client because they know you will actually utilize their help.

Friends lead to doors, brand opens them, and practice keeps you inside!

Do you have what it takes to... Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?
Make A Right Left Here (My official page website)
BBR Productions Inc. (Direct company link)