Wednesday, August 3, 2016

I Feel Like A Unicorn

• I Feel Like A Unicorn

Transcendence touches few people in this world. Some are lucky enough to reach it through meditation, or world building events. Others are bound by wars, or extreme stress that takes your body beyond its limits until that mind is floating above a life you once thought you could understand. Coming back home to rest near people who have yet to discover where your mind has had a journey moreover its expected ability. Who are they now!?

For over a year I felt warn, weak, and in pain. A sense of death routed through my dreams as I could hardly walk up stairs. A simple task caused my breath to fail on me. I tossed it up to my nerve system acting up. It eventually began impeding on my ability to make my rounds. To get out there for comedy, production meetings, even sitting in my chair to write. The major change came when I could not walk up stairs once I reached the fifth step. Got myself to the doctor.

If you feel broken then go get checked. Cancer has opened my eyes to life. I am seeing things differently and more purely. What matter in beforehand is in a silent wonder in the back of my mind. While I move forward in a clear breathing and open sky. Living with one Kidney is as many others do. All the stories are making me feel better. This is my story, my traveling adventures of a resilient entertainer who is kind of on break while I heal more. Open doors for those around you and live.

Peace in harmony, until again...
~ Thomas J. Bellezza

Do you have what it takes to... Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

Make A Right Left Here (My official page website)
BBR Productions Inc. (Direct company link)

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