Thursday, July 16, 2015

The perception of success

• “The perception of success”

There are many ways success can be obtained. Those achievements come with very specific rules. Being aware of the rules increases a person's chances to live their dream as a career. Some individuals unknowingly find resolve while on this path through luck (Hard work?). Another path, which always leads to failure, is traveled more frequently. Both roads are designed by different rules. An interesting perspective: If thousands of people fail doing it one way, why could it work for you? Are you really that awesome, amazing, and unique? Follow a path less traveled by those who have seen the mountaintop and constructed a nice house there.

My path, a path taught to me, and refined through research, is basically this; Have a plan, focus, be capable, and good at what you do. What does that all mean? Ready, I will show you. 1) Budget / save up 18 months of income / quit job / focus on career. 2) Network, Market, Practice; even before quitting a job. 3) Learn to manage time, money, and people. 4) Learn to organize money over expense to secure, invest and enjoy that wealth. 5) Life is a business, treat it that way. Earn vacation time, earn freedom, earn it all. Working to find balance in a life lived deep in debt; That is a failing business.

There is a path where the road is covered in thousands of footprints. Within this destination is a mentality which suggests: “A person need only be really really good at their craft.” This notion of greatness will get people to notice. Once noticed, all doors to a big chance open! Ultimately, more awesome, amazing, and unique, the further a person will go. Ego will close more doors than open them. How many Twitter followers or total Social media numbers do you have? How many friends do you keep in touch with? If you believe you don't need anyone, you are in the wrong business. Any business you are in, you will need everyone.

Also... have fun in life. If you are sad, miserable, or tired of what you have going on; change. That's correct; change your life up. If you are in the same place after three to five years and you are still sad, miserable, or tired of what you have going on then it is time to change. Now get out of here and go make changes!

Make A Right Left Here (My official page website)
BBR Productions Inc. (Direct company link)
Top Of The Bottom Pile (Comedy Tour I Am On)

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