Sunday, May 31, 2015

Make up the rest

• Make up the rest

I enjoy what I do and how I got there. When I do reflect, I realize there is a lot going on for this resilient entertainer. Setbacks are inevitable. They could come in shapes of cars breaking down, money not coming in, people falling short of their efforts. So much could happen. If we are that passionate about making something of our life we must push on if we are to succeed. We can only work a plan so much, the rest, we must make up. Nothing in this world will ever want what I want more than me. Rely on yourself, your efforts. Extra help, as it comes, is a bonus. Waiting for a miracle to happen from something or someone slows the process.

Inaction of progress, when things slow down, is my fault. It's that simple. If I'm not provoking, doing, or being proactive, then inaction of progress is on me. What I do is different than most people. There are tasks I complete to a point, which were taught to me, that it feels, at times, that I am making up the rest. Truth is, there is nothing made up. I look around, listen to, and deal with people all the time. They are jaded, or stuck in their ways. This method was taught to them by themselves based on “ideas”, thoughts & possible epiphany of this business we call entertainment. It's not my job to judge them. It's my job to keep moving forward.

There's so many opportunities to ignore opposition on my opinion. I get attacked and judged fairly often. It could be my positive attitude. Worse, it could be because I think outside the box. That scares people more when things are happen for me and they can't believe their eyes. How can this guy be doing this? To them I am talentless, short cut taking, non-aware of the “art” of entertainment. My business sense is shun. Weird, all successful people do what I do. Not that they are following my steps, but more like I am following theirs! Learn from the doers, not the don'ts. If all else fails, make up the rest.

Make A Right Left Here (My official page website)
BBR Productions Inc. (Direct company link)
Top Of The Bottom Pile (Comedy Tour I Am On)

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