Saturday, June 13, 2015

To inspire

• “To inspire”

It is the responsibility of successful people to inspire those wanting success in life. If you are successful, help open doors of hope, whether it is to be a successful business person, comedian, or politician. Inspiration is not gloating, showing off, or being a larger than life bragger of what you have over others. Inspiration is showing behind the scenes with how much hard work it takes to accomplish so much from so little. Coming from zero, to earning a career you want. So many times we forget how important it is to allow others that dream of possibility. It is not our stage, but the world's stage. Give it that respect. Let others up on it.

Anything is possible if you place your efforts into motion. A person has one life to make things happen. Even if reincarnation happens, this is current life is right now. Make the best of it. Me, I am writing two books, scripts, directing, acting, working in background when called, music, speaking engagements, consulting a minimum of 13 clients each month, doing stand up comedy, and getting my own things completed. This is my small list that I maintain each week. If I can find ways to make things happen and get stuff done, so could you. Have a plan. Take control back into your life. Control over Time, Finances, and your Team of people.

Each day that comes my way I have to find a reason to keep moving forward. That reason is life. I want these freedoms I have. They make me happy. I enjoy sitting around doing nothing, if I want. I also enjoy working on films/TV when I want. Maybe go out and tell jokes at a comedy club. This thing called life continues to entertain me. I do what I do, because I want to inspire others to take chances. I am not the best at everything I do. Though, I am the best at doing all the things I want to do. Become better than excuses. Become your effort. Say yes when you feel like doing nothing. Make an effort, make a change to inspire.

Make A Right Left Here (My official page website)
BBR Productions Inc. (Direct company link)
Top Of The Bottom Pile (Comedy Tour I Am On)

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