Thursday, December 1, 2011

I gave up on I and became me!

The best time of the year is coming up for all those looking to find meaning in life again. You give your little list of things you want to those around you, hoping they can buy you want you want. You look around at stores you might have to return things to. Oh how I love the holiday year ending. It is filled with meaning all over the place.

I've been entertaining for years and all I want is my two front teeth back for being the biggest smart ass on the block. Okay, so I've gotten my nose broken twice, cleaned the floor of my blood with some guys face, humiliated about three other punks by putting them into unbreakable holds and for what? To show that fighting is stupid!

It comes down to how powerful words can be in any situation. Though, I don't believe words have power. Will, “WILL” has power. How willful are you to stand down from emotions and take on a few pounds of words? The more “WILLFULL” you are the less chance some jack-turd with a six shooter filled with grand-ole verbiage will be able to take you down.

Where was I going with this? Oh that's right. I have given up on I and became me. My whole life is mine, not yours, or hers or even his. I've been there from the beginning till now. Now one else has had as much time being around me as I have. It's beautifully annoying how much I have to stand me. But I like me, so it is not that bad.

But image having to deal with me all day. There are people out there that don't like me, or can just reach a limit of toleration of me before going insane. It's not about them. It is about me and my life. Just as it is about them and their life. Live people, make moves of your life to live it truthfully.

Just don't hurt people, and it doesn't matter what they do outside of physically damaging you. But this does bring an interesting “To ask yourself” question. Why do we look at life so dirty? We see perverted filth in things? I've been studying the human race for a life time to realize everyone is a pig. But in a beautiful way. The non-beautiful way is how they hide it.

EMBRACE IT!!! Be truthful to yourself. Don't judge others and certainly don't judge yourself. Women and men are out there who love their bodies, despite how they act around others. They love being sexual, they love watching sexuality swimming in sensuality. Love, life, sex, nudity, art, colors, touching, breathing, seeing, etc. Life is around us, EMBRACE IT!!!

That is my “just under 500 word” rant... Peace in harmony!!!

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