Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Com-sic-rit-tor (Comic, Musician, Writer and Actor)

I dabble, professionally, into multiple areas of entertainment. As I am a Comsicrittor all my ventures have become successful through hard work. I have even taken on a more behind the scenes chair as well. In which, I have become successful. What is success? I get ask this a lot. So, to define it in two ways. First, the dictionary version.

Dictionary . Com

Suc-cess; [suhk-ses] noun
1. The favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
2. The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
3. A successful performance or achievement: The play was an instant success.
4. A person or thing that is successful: She was a great success on the talk show.

Now, my definition

Thomas J Bellezza
Suc-cess; [suhk-ses] noun
1. Being happy in where you are and what you are doing.
2. Setting a goal and completing it within your selected time frame.
3. Being known well enough that your marketing has avalanche into a self promoting device.
4. Living without fear of falling into a hole or being destroyed of all that you are.

We make success of ourselves through hard work and pushing forward. Setting goals helps you direct that success. Even if your first goal is to write down what your major goal is. Then, second, write down the goals you need to do beforehand to succeed to that major goal. When you finalized the last thing on that list which leads to you accomplishing your major goal, you then are a success. Now a lot of people think success is being rich beyond your wildest dreams. For some people that would be, others not so much. I know actors that are content in working with a local theater while they have an everyday normal 9-5 job. It's what you make of yourself in your heart that compliments your goals to success.

I am successful because I wanted to be a musician, and I am. I've tour North America, I've played festivals. I've opened up for all my favorite national acts. I even made a ton of new friends on the way up. I also wanted to be a comedian. I took the steps to do so and by my 3 performance I was getting paid. Within a year I was performing in major clubs. I even have thrown together my own comedy productions. To boot, I am a published writer with a few more books getting finalized for publication. And one of my greatest successes was wanting to act and perform Shakespeare. I set out and accomplished it twice in less than 3 months. I am making things happen by making things happen.

When I hear people can't do something it blows my mind. You can do anything you want. Just figure out your level of success, accomplishment and make your goal list. You can do it, you can do it until you don't want to do it anymore. Think small, work up the list till you are on top of your game. And remember, it is not always about stage time. Anyone can get on stage, trust me, I know. You must continue to utilize the 3 needs for success; Networking, Marketing and Practice. Both of the two aforementioned necessities and your particular craft. I believe in you, and you should too!


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